Friday, September 20, 2013

12th Day of Invasion

My Parents and my Place

Where you can see the entrance to our compound. Where all my sibling  gathered together.
 The last time that we all met was last June 2009. That is our last smile of our father together with his ten children and grand children. Our last reunion. Now, no place for my nieces and nephews to rest, to study, and to live peacefully. I cannot imagine  the trauma they are suffering now, fears of another attack will come.

Our house still standing in this picture while the white smoke starting to come out from the corner. The green roof beside our gate on the right side of our compound is the hall and classroom for the kids (Imaus). Funded from Italy priest. 

Here you can see the house has gone. It is more than a week now,
But my heart is still in pain and tears are still there. 
Keep asking WHY this happened? to whom should I blame?

Until today I could not accept that our house was burned.

This is the entrance of our residence, where the house built by my father Adriano Yosores Sr, together with my brother Arden Argeo "BOY" Yosores who is working as architect, electrical, and civil engineer. Why I said so.

Because he does the plan of our house and approved by my father, the  wiring of electrical outlet, and working the house as carpenter. Everything he does the most difficult job that I cannot imagine.

As Boyet said; A concept gate and wall by our world war 2 veteran-hero Adriano V. Yosores, now background concept for our Zamboanga Siege Hero... May his legacy lives....

By: ShehGarLynn

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